Friday, June 27, 2014

20 Weeks of Bumps & Lessons!


As of this week I am officially 20 weeks along- GASP. That means I’m at the halfway mark (hopefully!)… These 20 weeks have been exhausting, exhilarating, scary and exciting. I know I will learn so much more in the next 20 weeks (and 20 years) but it’s crazy how much I’ve learned already. Here are 10 of the many lessons I’ve learned in the last 20 weeks:
1) You will be exhausted… ALL THE TIME! Everyone tells you that the first trimester is exhausting but that after that you will pep up- that’s a lie. Exactly halfway and I’m still exhausted all time. Last night I went to sleep at 7A!
2) Speaking of sleeping, it will get rougher and rougher to sleep the larger you get. Lots of big pillows help, but really you are going to toss and turn from side to side all night, and don’t even ask how many times a night I pee.
3) Every person you meet will have an opinion on what you look like. They will tell you how small you look, how big you look, ask how much weight you’ve gained. It’s all up for grabs!
4) And onto the subject of weight gain, it really sucks. I know there are some people who barely gain anything, and those are amazing and lovely people who I’m infinitely jealous of- I on the other hand am one of the more common group of people that gain a lot. 20 weeks and 20 pounds gained… I really do cry some days when I see the scale, or pounds.
5) You spend your entire life trying to have a fit stomach but once you have your hard baby bump it’s really amazing the bigger it gets! I can’t stop rubbing mine- there is a little tiny human growing in there! The bigger it gets the more excited I get… now it’s almost big enough I can try wearing a bikini again- after all once you have 15 pounds of just hard gut who cares what you look like half naked!
5) Maternity Clothes are not what they use to be… they also aren’t to be feared but are amazing. After I started my insane weight gain I just felt so horrible in my clothes that didn’t fit… but as soon as I switched into maternity clothes I all of a sudden felt better.
6.) Everyone loves a pregnant lady. Strangers will smile at you, friends will get excited to see you… it’s one of the few times in your life when you really could smile throughout your day!
7.) You will turn into a teenage boy! You will all of a sudden throw out everything lady-like that you ever learned. You no longer will be able to discreetly cross your legs. You will burp. You will fart. You will learn to live on tums!
8.) Pregnancy is disgusting. Your body is doing amazing and crazy things, sadly to make those things happen it will also do disgusting things! I can’t wait til I get to the point where I will start to pee myself every time I sneeze and I’m already dreading when I poop in the middle of giving birth. Oh the joys of Pregnancy.
9.) Everything you ever thought about food will change. Things you love will all of a sudden make you want to vomit. You will learn to love Bread. And sometimes in the middle of the night you will start to crave the oddest things like mashed potatoes and KFC gravy and won’t be able to sleep until you have some!
10.) Nothing can prepare you for pregnancy. Not any of those oh so helpful books, or blogs, or Pintrest pages. It’s all new, and your pregnancy will be drastically different from everyone else’s. Every day is a new day, and with it it brings new challenges and excitements! One day it’s horrible and you think you will never make it to the 10 month mark, and other days you will feel that baby kick or hiccup and think just how wonderful this all is! This really is the most amazing time of your life, even if you want to vomit and sleep through most of it.
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