Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 18... From Los Olivos & Wine Country

Your Size: Sweet Potato! And according to the doctor you weight 8 ounces.
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? No new ones… but look at the cute baby outfit of the week!
Look at that cute little bum! This one was picked out by your Grandma Eberhardt.
Sleep: Trying all the pillow configurations but sadly still just tossing a turning all night. I get this horrible nerve pain in my legs now when I sleep so I have to take walks in the middle of the night to make them go away.
This week’s adventure: We went up to Los Olivos to spend Fathers Day with my parents. We ended up staying at this really awesome house right on a little pond in the middle of the countryside. Very peaceful, at night the only thing that you could hear were the sounds of the bullfrogs and crickets.
We also went Winetasting while we were there.... we hit up 4 wineries but my favorite by far was Sarloos & Sons, mainly because I got to participate in that one since it's also a cupcake flight to go with it!
Everyone got Wine and I got Cupcakes!!!
Grandpa & Dad celebrating Fathers Day... in almost matching outfits!

Wine tasting after our tour of Fess Parker
Fess Parker Winery Tour
Riverbend Winery

Miss anything? My energy. I know it’s supposed to come back during this trimester, and it does for a tiny bit but then I end up more exhausted than before.
Movement: A little bit of kicking this week but the exciting thing was that on Father’s Day we were able to listen to your heartbeat on this app that I have for my phone. You apparently wanted to say hi to your daddy.
Your favorite foods: Still eating tomatoes and fruit like crazy. But we had a really good dinner up in Los Olivos, so good we had left overs the next day even though we were on vacation!
Grandma Eberhardt & I before Dinner
Anything making you queasy or sick: We did have one bad day while up in Los Olivos but besides that we have been feeling much better.
Gender: Boy… we actually got to see the little penis for the first time this week!
Labor signs: No, but we finally signed up for our Childbirthing classes in September, looks like will be all ready for you to come in October if you decide to come early! 
Symptoms: An exhaustion that seems to be staying put.
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty moody.
Looking forward to: Well I can tell you what I’m not looking forward to- Sadly we head back to work on next Tuesday!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Plant a garden. I know it sounds silly but there is something to be said for having your own little patch of green, even if it’s just a pot in the city. It gives you something to care for every day, and will give you a sense of accomplishment when it blooms. It will also teach you a bit about failure, especially if you are anything like your mom it will take a bit for your plants to bloom.

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