Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week 16... in Paradise!

Your Size: An Avocado. Truly one of life’s most amazing foods! Not only are you getting bigger but you are making Mommy's Tummy even Bigger!
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? No new ones, but I actually was able to buy a cute little non-maternity dress… though really this should say- Baby Clothes, because I sure have been buying lots… especially in Hawaii because they are just too cute not to!

Sleep: Still no… though we also didn’t adjust too well to the time change and were up every morning by 4A and asleep by 8P every night!
This week’s adventure: HAWAII! There are so many amazing things that you got to do this week-
Paddle Boarding!

Swimming in sacred pools beneath waterfalls!
Hiking to Black Sand Beaches…
and more waterfalls!
Plus Snorkeling...Swimming...And lots of pool time. It was really an amazing trip and amazing week.
Miss anything? No this week was pretty perfect!
Movement: You either really love or really hate to swim. Every time I got into the water to snorkel you would start kicking… Dan thinks it means that you were trying to swim with us.
Your favorite foods: We may have becoming obsessed with Virgin Pina Coladas… man are they yummy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: BOATS! We did have one pretty horrible boat ride to Molokini sadly… Plus the last couple of days their my morning sickness seemed to have come back with a vengeance.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: The return of the horrid morning/afternoon/evening sickness.
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty moody.
Looking forward to: Coming back to Hawaii some day so we can take you snorkeling and show you all around this magical island!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Appreciate each and every moment in life. On the plane ride home an older gentleman had a heart attack and died halfway through the flight. It made me realize just how special our life is and how we really need to live each and every moment to its fullest. You never know what can happen tomorrow, so you have to make sure you live each and every moment today. Because life and love really are precious.   

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