Monday, June 16, 2014

10 little fingers and 10 little toes!

10 little toes on his toe feet!
This week Poppy has his 2nd Trimester Screening… I call it the scary screening because it’s the 2nd of his screenings that test and measures every part of his little body so that they can asses if he has any chromosome issues or birth defects. Luckily my little boy passed with flying colors- the doctor even told me that he didn’t know what I was doing exactly, but I needed to keep it up. Who knew a diet of cheese and fruit would lead to the healthiest of babies! I didn’t want to go alone and since Dan was supposed to have a meeting all morning my Mom happily volunteered to go with me, but halfway through the appointment Dan showed up. So it was a crowd watching the little screen on the wall. They measured each bone, listened to each chamber of the heart, checked the blood flow in and out of both his body and mine, checked my heart , showed us all 10 fingers and 10 toes and of course pointed out to us Poppy’s little tiny Penis (don’t worry Poppy I will not put that picture online!). As of now Poppy  is measuring exactly to the day that he is supposed to and weighs a whole 8 ounces. He’s still very very tiny but it was so great to watch him move and play in the ultrasound. The best part was watching him suck his thumb, you could see his jaw moving and all the little muscles in his face working away at that tiny thumb! It felt great to know that he’s perfectly healthy, and we are almost to the halfway point of actually getting to meet him!!!!
18 Weeks + 5 Days

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