Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 20...

Your Size: Banana!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 19 weeks left! Seems like such little time!
Maternity/Baby clothes? New cutie this week:
Baby Gear: I registered! Or at least started to register this week… it’s very intimidating starting to put down all the baby gear that we need. So far Poppy hasn’t asked for much but here are the 2 registries:
Sleep: Getting a bit better, the doctor suggested putting a wedge under one hip and this seems to make the leg pain almost go away completely!
This week’s adventure: We finally picked our Doula! Her name is Taba and she seems great, which has made me even more excited for the birth… In typical Nicole and Dan fashion we decided on which Doula we wanted while we were laying on the beach enjoying the nice summer weather that we had all weekend! Hopefully Poppy will love the ocean as much as we do!
Lazy Sunday Afternoon in Hermosa!
Besides that, we had a very crafty weekend. Dan is working on a reclaimed wood project- he’s making frames out of reclaimed barn wood for 3 signs that he had made for our 1st Anniversary. So far the project is taking a bit longer than expected but really looks amazing!
Midway through the project on Saturday.
Sneak Peak of the frames so far... Still need to mount the posters & add the glass!
Miss anything? Being able to go for Happy Hour! It’s been really nice here at the beach and I would love to be able to go for a walk down to the pier for a glass of wine and enjoy this summer weather. Though we were able to go for Date Night Happy Hour at the pier on Friday, I just wasn’t able to enjoy the wine portion of the evening!
Movement: You seem to like getting up really early and staying up really late! Lots of little kicks just when I’m trying to sleep.
Your favorite foods: Nothing is really that exciting this week at all to me... been sticking to bread, crackers and mashed potatoes most of the week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really sick, but having food aversions like crazy. Nothing is appealing to me right now again.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Nope 
Symptoms: This week we got a little new fun- if I bend over too quickly I get a little vomit in my mouth. Oh Joy!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly way out! Though my belly button is all of a sudden looking HUGE!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: A little down this week… no reason for it just some of these lovely hormones that seem to be raging inside of me all the time.
Looking forward to: 4th of July at the end of this week, and of course my birthday next week. The scary 35!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Never stop playing. When you get older people are going to tell you that you will need to grow up, need to get a job, need to have a stable life. Those things are all true but make sure you also leave space in your life for a little playtime. That could be a game of catch with your own kids, or a run on a rainy day or even making a snowman despite being in your 30’s. Life is hard enough as it is, so you need to find a way to put a little fun into all that hard work.

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