Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Week 21...


Your Size: A pomegranate…. Which is so cute to me because many many weeks ago you were just the size of a pomegranate seed- and now as big as a whole fruit!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 18 weeks left, GULP!
Maternity/Baby clothes? New cuties this week:
Grandma & Grandpa did a little shopping in Paris!
And another Cutie from Paris!

Baby Gear: We are doing a nautical nursery, but the trick is until we move it’s also our guest room so I don’t want it to be too cutesy baby. Luckily this week I found the perfect mobile which actually goes amazingly with our house décor to begin with- a whitewashed Seahorse Mobile from Pottery Barn! So of course I couldn’t resist buying it! Though I’m starting to get nervous/nesty so I think there will be a lot of Baby Gear to come in the next couple of weeks.
Sleep: Tossing and Turning all night every night!
This week’s adventure: 4th of July Weekend! We packed a lot of things into the weekend… on the 4th we had lunch with my parents who were in town to pick up Ruby and then headed to the beach for some volleyball (your Dad was surprisingly good- I had never seen him play before!) and then to a party. I actually managed to stay out till 7pm, which for me right now is pretty shocking! Saturday we did another beach day…
I’m finally getting back my Hawaii tan. And then on Sunday we had Alissa over for dinner, and I made amazing little snack foods! And your Dad is almost done with his wood project, it really does look AMAZING!
Miss anything? Being able to fit into a bikini… my goal for next 4th of July is to be able to fit into one of my honeymoon bikinis!
Movement: About the same, not too much yet.
Your favorite foods: Strawberries! And I tried unsuccessfully to give up cheese- apparently you really really love cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still having major food aversions, but able to eat more types of food this week.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Nope 
Symptoms: Hungry all the time!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly way out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: MOODY! But that may be because I’m exhausted all the time.
Looking forward to: My birthday weekend- we are going down to San Diego on Saturday for some time at the zoo and to see one of my favorite musicals at the Old Globe Theatre. Not to mention getting to eat at Cotija my favorite Mexican place on this planet!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Find a reason to celebrate! There is so much of life that becomes routine, that it’s important to find ways to make it fun. It could be to really go all out for the holidays (like your mom does!) or celebrating the last day of school with a pizza party and ice cream. It doesn’t matter what you chose as your “holiday” and it doesn’t matter if it isn’t really just a holiday just a regular boring Tuesday afternoon that needs a little fun in it. Just take the time to relax and enjoy life! I can’t wait to celebrate many of life’s holidays with you.

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