Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 33...

Your Size: Monthly estimate says you are the size of a Duran… though what the heck is a duran! But if the doctor is correct you may be more like the size of a coconut. We find out next Tuesday what your real size is- which is so exciting!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 6 weeks left!
Maternity/ Baby clothes? It was the first week in a long time where we didn’t get any new clothes!
Nursery: And week 2 of not working on your nursery… though this weekend we will be making up for it!
Baby Gear: We are still getting boxes in the mail like crazy! People are still sending gifts and I’m still ordering things… this weekend will be spent trying to figure out where we are going to put all of the Baby stuff.
Sleep: Actually sleeping a bit better this week, but on and off the couch a lot.
This week’s adventure: This week’s adventure was in Lake Arrowhead- we went on our Babymoon! Neither your Dad nor I had ever been there so we thought it would be a nice getaway. And it was a fall (almost winter!) wonderland up there with lots of cold weather and pine trees. We got 3 days of relaxation, yummy food and quality time just the two of us. It was great to have such a relaxing getaway before the craziness of Labor and our new life as a family of 3 begins!
Our view from our hotel room!

View from Breakfast on Saturday

Apple Cider... perfect Fall weather!

Nothing but the sound of the waves in the water!

Relaxed after 3 days in Arrowhead!

Sunset View on Friday night!

More sunsets....
Miss anything? Being able to walk and not being in pain.
Movement:  I can’t tell if you still have a ton of room in there or if you are just going to be moving and poking at me until the day you are born. Yesterday you actually stuck your entire head out of my stomach and I had to gently try and get it back in!
Your favorite foods: Mint Chip Ice Cream… I want it all the time!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just my iron pills.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Lots and lots of Braxton hicks!
Symptoms: Sadly the sciatica is still really painful. With my twice weekly therapy it’s getting better, but I don’t think it’s going to go away completely- though I’m still hoping!
Belly button in or out?  Still in, it’s a miracle!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on! Though I now have some lovely cankles, so I’m sure my fingers are going to soon join my feet in their swelling.
Happy or moody most of the time: Crying. All the time… still!
Looking forward to: I’ve already started the countdown till my maternity leave. Depending on how the doctor’s appointment goes next week we have only 3-4 more weeks left of work- GASP!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: Sometimes in life you just need a good cry. This one is going to be hard for you as you get older. When you are little you will be great at crying and showing just how much you want or wanted something. But our society teaches boys (and men) they must remain strong and never show emotion. The truth is that sometimes you need to just be able to scream and cry it out. Don’t be afraid to do that!
P.S. The Notre Dame Scoreboard is now 4-0! Though sadly it was an off game for them, even with the win they slipped one in the rankings- #9 now.


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