Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 32...

Your Size: Monthly estimate says you are the size of a squash, but the doctor thinks you are actually 2+ (gasp!) weeks bigger than that so more like a butternut squash… we have our next ultrasound in 2 weeks to measure your actual size!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 7 weeks left!
Maternity/ Baby clothes? I may have invested in a few too many stretchy Lululemon yoga pants this week… we have gone in the last 8 months from a size 6 to a size 12! But man they are sooooo comfy. This should be the last of the purchases for the rest of the pregnancy!
Nursery: Amazingly we had a weekend where we didn’t do any Nursery things, and it felt amazing!
Baby Gear: I finally ordered your Moses Basket and its little rocking stand for it…. Now we really are ready for you!
Sleep: Although I am sleeping better, no matter how much I sleep it’s not enough.
This week’s adventure: Your Dad had a big adventure this week, he ran in a 10K Trail Run… Sadly due to my sciatica we weren't able to go and cheer while he was out running. So while he was working out we had a mini-spa day including Manicure & Pedicure, Hair Appointment and Make Up Appointment so that we would be all pretty for our Maternity Photos.
How I found your Dad when I got home... all tired from his race!
Sneak Peak of our Maternity Session.
Our other big adventure was taking a Safety & Infant CPR class at the hospital. It was a little overwhelming for your daddy with all the scary scenarios that could happen but luckily now we are prepared for anything!
I picked my CPR dummy based on his cute little Dino Onsie!
Miss anything? Being able to walk and not being in pain.
Movement:  You are flipping around like crazy… I also like to think you are super smart and have found your exit! You seem to be spending a lot of time knocking and banging on my cervix lately!
Your favorite foods: All of a sudden we started eating like hungover frat boys this week… lots of burgers, pizza, fries… it’s shocking that I didn’t gain much weight at all this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just my iron pills.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Starting to feel the pelvic pressure now- mainly because you keep trying to work your way out.
Symptoms: This sciatica is the worst pain I have ever been in, making it impossible to even walk most days. I’m getting worried that you will be a little emotional since the last bulk of this pregnancy has had me crying every time I try and walk anywhere.
I work from a couch most days now.
Belly button in or out?  Still in it’s a miracle!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on! Also a miracle…. Starting to think maybe it’s going to last the entire time!
Happy or moody most of the time: Crying. All the time… still!
Looking forward to: Lake Arrowhead this weekend!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: Never be afraid to ask for help. I’m slowly learning that sometimes in life you just need to ask for help. Right now it’s impossible for me to do pretty much anything and have had to start asking for help for even simple things like picking things off the floor or getting coffee in the morning. At first I was embarrassed to ask for so much help, but now I’ve swallowed my pride and realized it’s sometimes necessary.
P.S. The Notre Dame Scoreboard is still 3-0! We had a bye week last week.

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