Weight: 15 lbs!!!!
Length: 24 Inches
Hates: Hand
dryers and grocery stores.
Loves: So many things! You have really become such a
happy baby!!! But your favorites are- Baths, talking & giggling to Mommy
& Daddy, your activity mat, lights, shadows, walls, naps (our world has
been turned right side up again now that you nap!), Being swaddled (only way
you can sleep!)
*1st 8 hour stretch of sleep…. Oh did that make Mommy & Daddy happy! Now if only we can shift your sleep schedule a little later, you like to be asleep by 6pm or you becoming Mr. Grumpy Pants.
*1st 8 hour stretch of sleep…. Oh did that make Mommy & Daddy happy! Now if only we can shift your sleep schedule a little later, you like to be asleep by 6pm or you becoming Mr. Grumpy Pants.
*1st time sleeping in a hotel… you
actually did pretty good, there was no difference sleeping in your pack and play
and sleeping in your crib. And you seemed to really love being on the bed! Since you were in your car seat for so much of the day as soon as we put you on the bed you ran and ran and ran your little cubby legs off!
*1st hike… we went hiking up in Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego and you really enjoyed all the wind on your face!
*1st hike… we went hiking up in Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego and you really enjoyed all the wind on your face!
*1st time to the Movies… I took you to
the Mommy & Me movies. Culver City Pacific Theatres does a Mommy Movies on
Monday mornings, they keeps the lights on & even bring in a changing table.
We saw “Back & White”, not the best of movies but it was nice to see a
movie again.
*1st Barre Class… After so much time off from really exercising I figured it was time to get back into the swing of things so we took a class that
was Bar Method but done while wearing you in a wrap. I am still getting use to wearing you in a wrap so it was an interesting class! I don't think my abs are quite up for it again for a bit but we will be going back as soon as I can get this tummy back into shape.
*1st time to the farmers market... We met up with your Auntie Sarah and walked the Manhattan Beach Farmers Market, plus did a little shopping for you & Daddy in Manhattan Beach. I can't wait for a couple months when you get to pick out and try some of the yummy veggies and fruits from there! I have already picked out the first food you are going to try- AVOCADOES!
*1st time to the farmers market... We met up with your Auntie Sarah and walked the Manhattan Beach Farmers Market, plus did a little shopping for you & Daddy in Manhattan Beach. I can't wait for a couple months when you get to pick out and try some of the yummy veggies and fruits from there! I have already picked out the first food you are going to try- AVOCADOES!
Rolled over from Belly (with a bit of assistance), Found your voice (and your
giggle, and your scream, and your cute little squeal) , tried to sit up at
every opportunity, learned how to put things into your mouth, grabs/pulls/sucks
on Mommy’s hair
Size: You are in between 0-3 and 3-6
month clothes so wearing a little bit of both now.
Diaper Size: Size 2! Though we are still making you wear
the size 1’s until we run out of them.
Charlie, Squish, Squishy, Squishy Bear... I think you can see the pattern here!
Yawn of the
“Favorite” Moment: It may make me a
bad Mommy but I am going to say it was the first night that you slept for 8
hours straight! Sometimes Mommy just need some sleep in order to still be a
good Mommy!
Mommy quotes from social media:
January 19th: “Somedays there is just not enough coffee in the world... Colic 1, Sleep 0”
January 19th: “Somedays there is just not enough coffee in the world... Colic 1, Sleep 0”
January 20th: “Nothing
quite like getting ready to the sound of little baby giggles... Don't know if
it was the 2 hour nap we took yesterday or the fact that he almost slept
through the night for the first time but both Charlie and I are feeling more
human today! Guess he knew that he needed to be on his best behavior for
Grandmas visit today.”
January 26th: “After a
rough couple of hours I got Charlie down to sleep 15 min after I had given up
and had my morning coffee... So now he is finally sleeping and I am wide awake!”
January 26th: “Charlie
just rolled over!!! He dislikes his tummy time so much he decided to end it and
flip back on his back... So grateful to have been able to take an extended
maternity leave so I can be here for these early milestones... Though really
sad to think of all the ones I will be missing out on when I back to work at
the end of next month!”
January 30th: “Since
it is rainy today it is totally acceptable to stay in our pj's and cuddle all
day, right?”
February 3rd: “Charlie
slept almost 8 hours straight last night so he is super giggly and awake...
momma had huge allergy attack and was up since 2 so she is grumpy and tired...
Parenting fail!”
February 5th: “My
lilttle man fit into his first 3-6 month outfit today... Where did the last 12
weeks go?!??”
February 8th: “Had a
great weekend in San Diego... So good in fact both my boys were sound asleep by
7:30 tonight! Traveling with an infant is a challenge (especially since with
his growth spurt I had to feed him every 2 hours!) but listening to him giggle
and babble away all weekend was adorable- he seemed to love SD as much as Dan
and I do!”
February 9th: “Last week Charlie rolled over, today he keeps
trying to sit up and realized that he can now sit on his own... Someone forgot
to tell Charlie that he is only 3 months old!”
February 9th: “Started Charlie's transition to Daycare
today... He was very shy but had some smiles for his new teachers. Though he is
very happy to be back home now! Don't know what I am gonna do when I actually
have to leave him there!!!!”
Here are a
few more of our favorite moments from this past month...
Though one of your favorite things now is bath time... you splash and play and just all around love being in the water! Can't wait to get you started on swimming lessons in May.
You are so adorable while you are sleeping...
Though your squishy face when you wake up is also crazy adorable...
And your smile once you wake up is still one of my favorite things in the entire world!
Though one of your favorite things now is bath time... you splash and play and just all around love being in the water! Can't wait to get you started on swimming lessons in May.
But really you are cute all the time!!!!
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