Wonder Week #2: Smooth Transitions
This one was actually not too bad on us. It is supposed to
hit sometime between weeks 11 ½ & 12 ½. And it hit just before his 11th
week but was over in just a couple of days. So far this one was the best one as
far as crankiness goes, but not looking forward to the next one which has 2
parts and lasts about a month!
Here is a list of what they say may happen during this
wonder week:
- Follow something with his eyes in fluid motion (YES)
- Turn his head to follow something (YES)
- Your baby is more lively, more active, squirms and is
turning in all directions (YES, YES, YES!)
- Rolls from tummy to back with a little help (YES)
- Shakes a rattle (YES)
- Discovers new possibilities of voice- screaming, cooing,
crowning (YES,
but he already did all of that)
- Blows saliva bubbles (YES, but he has been doing that for quite some time)
- Clears enjoys light bulbs (Yes, but that has been going on for at
least a month)
- Enjoys sounds that go from high to low (YES)
The biggest change that we noticed during this week was that
all of a sudden he rolled over on his own from tummy to back! He has had no
interest in that and then 3 days into his wonder week all of a sudden he
decided to roll over on his own… Although these wonder weeks really are hard on
my sleep (and sometimes my patience) they really are amazing!!! I love watching
him just wake up and all of a sudden it is like the world has opened up for
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