Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mommy & Me Class... BUBBLES!!!!

Todays Mommy & Me class included these really cool kid bubbles that don't pop for a really long time... though I am sure you guessed what Charlie did during his bubble time- he slept right through it! My poor little guy gets too exhausted by the end of the class... If only I could remember to take some pictures when he is actually awake so you can see that he does truly love the class! We also got some good tummy time in, it really is amazing his progress from week to week. This week he has started to put a little weight on his legs during tummy time to almost try and stand up!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happiest Baby on the block

I may have downloaded the book, but I never read it and yet somehow I have still ended up with the happiest baby on the block... actually maybe the planet! My poor colicy newborn has been transformed into this amazingly happy and giggle little baby. And turns out the happiest baby on the block also happens to make the happiest Mommy on the block!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Guess who rolled over...

It took a bit of assistance... and a bit of time, but Charlie rolled from front to back for the first time! I think it may be because he just hates tummy time so much that he wanted to flip onto his back instead. My little guy is growing up so fast already!!!! If only I could make time stand still just a little bit longer...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Daddy & Me... I love my Daddy!

Mommy & Daddy always get to write about what their favorite moments are, but I never get to say what mine are! I think some of my favorite moments are when my Daddy reads to me. He likes to make silly voices... and he lets me chew on the books when I want to!


My little beach baby... Charlies 1st trip to see the Ocean

Beach Baby (V)- A salty little sweetheart with sandy toes & a sunkissed nose
January has been unseasonable warm, even for Southern California, so we made our first trip as a family down to the beach... it would have been a bit much to make it a full beach day but we walked ourselves down and put our toes in the water for the first time in months! And it was pure heaven.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Daddy & Me... Tummy Time & Giggles

Sometimes my Daddy and I like to work on my Tummy time... We have so much to say to each other! We just giggle & chit chat the time away.
And then sometime Mommy likes to take our pictures... so many pictures! But we love her anyways.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mommy & Me Class... Time to learn!

This week during Mommy & Me in addition to songs and play time we also started to learn a bit of sign language, which I am very excited about! I have seen friends who have successfully taught their kids to sign and it is really amazing to see how much they can then communicate before they are able to talk! So far the only ones that I really have been practicing with Charlie are "Mommy" and "Daddy" but that's a start!
I think this look says "Please no more pictures mommy!"

Just lounging around after class!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wonder Week #3- Smooth Transitions

Wonder Week #2: Smooth Transitions

This one was actually not too bad on us. It is supposed to hit sometime between weeks 11 ½ & 12 ½. And it hit just before his 11th week but was over in just a couple of days. So far this one was the best one as far as crankiness goes, but not looking forward to the next one which has 2 parts and lasts about a month!

Here is a list of what they say may happen during this wonder week:
- Follow something with his eyes in fluid motion (YES)
- Turn his head to follow something (YES)
- Your baby is more lively, more active, squirms and is turning in all directions (YES, YES, YES!)
- Rolls from tummy to back with a little help (YES)
- Shakes a rattle (YES)
- Discovers new possibilities of voice- screaming, cooing, crowning (YES, but he already did all of that)
- Blows saliva bubbles (YES, but he has been doing that for quite some time)
- Clears enjoys light bulbs (Yes, but that has been going on for at least a month)
- Enjoys sounds that go from high to low (YES)

The biggest change that we noticed during this week was that all of a sudden he rolled over on his own from tummy to back! He has had no interest in that and then 3 days into his wonder week all of a sudden he decided to roll over on his own… Although these wonder weeks really are hard on my sleep (and sometimes my patience) they really are amazing!!! I love watching him just wake up and all of a sudden it is like the world has opened up for him.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mommy & Me Class... Tummy time KING!

It is amazing how much can change in one week (especially after a wonder week)... This weeks class was really awesome because Charlie has made huge leaps mentally and physically. Last week he was exhausted when we got his shots and basically refused tummy time. Which of course worried our doctor a bit so I was told I needed to do more tummy time with him (which he usually hates!)... So this week we have been tummy time manics, and all of a sudden he is a master at it. And on top of that he is starting to really grab on to things! I love watching his progress over these weeks.

He may not be shaking his rattle yet but the grasp is strong!

Grasping with two hands.

My little tummy time master

My little man & I

Just simply adorable!!!!

And back at home exhausted from class!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2 Months... the season of Charlie!

Weight: 12 lbs 7 oz, our little cubbster!

Length: 23 inches,  can’t believe you have already grown 3 inches.

Hates: Cheese (and all dairy and soy) and naps

Loves:  Baths, talking & giggling, your activity mat, lights, shadows, walls, your swings, car rides and walks.

* There were so many first this holiday- 1st Road Trip, 1st time to Arizona, 1st time to Mema & Umpapas, First Christmas...

*1st Mass… we went on Christmas Eve and you slept through most of it. Then woke up SCREAMING!

*1st Time in a big boy bath tub…. Look how cute and little you look!

*1st Walk in your Ergo Carrier… We went for a nice walk around  the lake. We were hoping to go on many walks over Christmas but it was just too darn cold!

*1st time actually playing with a toy… On Christmas morning you actually reached and grabbed a toy for the first time, and tried to bring it right into your mouth!

*1st time to Baby Yoga… Somehow you hate napping when it’s the ideal sleeping situation, yet every baby class we attend you just sleep away!

Milestones: started to grab & swat at toys, started to giggle, learned how to kick the playtime mat to make all the toys shake (and therefore learning to occupy yourself for long periods of times!)

Squishy Face of the Month:

Clothing Size: Outgrew all your newborn clothes over Christmas, so now wearing size 0-3 Months!

Diaper Size:  Size 1

Grumpy Face of the Month:

Nicknames: Charlie, Charlie Bear, Buddy, Squish (because you are so cute and squishy!), Squeaker

Yawn of the Month:

Daddy’s Finest Moment: Your Smile! Daddy loves when he comes home and you give him the brightest smile when you see him.

Mommy’s Finest Moment: I too am going to say you smiling up at me is my favorite moment(s)… every morning I wake up tired and grumpy, needing a LARGE cup of coffee but all I have to do is walk over to your crib and you look up at me with the biggest smile on your face and my heart just melts.

Favorite Toy: Your activity gym... you swat at it and giggle at it every chance you get!

Favorite Mommy quotes from social media:
December 15th: Feeling almost human again- Charlie let me sleep in until 6:40 this morning and he even went down for a morning nap- first time in 4 weeks!!!! Now thanks to an amazing hubby I am off to go Christmas Shopping

December 16th: “Celebrating the first night of Hanukah with Matzo Ball Soup, Latkes, Challah and a sick Charlie! Poor boy has had so many tummy issues this last week”

December 18th: “After 5 weeks of not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time it is amazing how much more productive you can be when you get 4 hours of sleep! We are almost all packed now for Grandma & Grandpa's house”

January 2nd: “Nothing says love like wiping your baby's poop off your husband’s hands... Oh the joys of parenthood!”

January 3rd: “A little sad today as I am packing up all the newborn stuff- my chubby little guy has moved into the 0-3 month sizes already! He is getting so big and already growing up way too fast for me.”
January 6th: “Charlie at 4am- screaming & crying... Charlie at 7am- giggly and happy... Oh Sleep I miss you so!!! But cute baby giggles sure make up for it...”

January 9th: “Don't know if the last 2 days have been worse for Charlie or for me- he had his first shots and has been so sad and grumpy since yesterday evening! Mommy can't take it when her poor baby is screaming in pain so much”

January 11th: “Nothing feels worse than having a vomiting baby and not knowing how to help! Poor Charlie has been so sick since he has his first shots on Thursday”

Here are a few more of our favorite moments from this past month...

Visiting with your Auntie Sarah

Best part of the month- your super awesome smile started

Good Morning World!

Enjoying some Daddy snuggles...

And some Ruby snuggles!

Don't bother me I am reading...

Because your shirt told me I had to take your picture!

This is your stop taking my picture face!

Hello World

Apparently I have us booked with too many activities- EXHAUSTED!

I love my mornings... and our morning snuggles!

M y little Monkey

Look at that happy grin!