Weight: 9 lbs 5oz
Length: We didn't
measure you this week- worst parents ever!
Hates: Sleeping alone in either your bassinet or crib,
being swaddled and your carseat.
Loves: Sleeping on Mommy & Daddy, cuddling , crying
, peeing on Daddy and taking baths
*First real bath!
Turns out you like the little bathtub we got you way more than you liked
getting the sponge baths.
*First Thanksgiving- November 27th. We had a big family Thanksgiving this
year with Umpapa, Mema, Nana Pelner and Aunt Laura! It was the first holiday
meal that I didn't have to cook in many years so it was nice to just sit back
and relax during it… and the weather was so perfect we even got to eat outside
for it this year.
*First full day home alone with Mommy- December 3rd. Daddy was back and work and Nana left to go home so we were left to our own devices for the day... You were super sweet and cuddly all day, on your best behavior for the 1st of many days just the two of us!
Milestones: Learned to really latch on, according to the
lactation consultant you are one healthy eater!
Clothing Size: Newborn
Diaper Size: Newborn, though those are getting small!
Charlie, Poppy, Charlie Bear
Daddy’s “Favorite” Moment:
First time that Mommy and Daddy got
out of the house for a “date”- we went to lunch just the two of us… even though
Daddy kept checking on the video monitor the entire time we were there to make
sure that you were doing ok!
Mommy’s “Favorite” Moment: Finally changing my first diaper…
although many of our worst moments were changing diapers during these last few
weeks, it felt really amazing to finally be able to take care of you on my own.
More of our Favorite
November 27th- Exhausted Daddy!
Daddy and Nana getting dinner ready
Stuffed From all your turkey
Middle of the night cuddles with Mommy
November 28th- Good Morning World!
One tiny hand... and one grown up one.
My little punk rock Charlie
November 29th- Morning cuddles with Mommy are my favorite.
Daddy & Charlie Tummy Time
December 3rd... My sleepy little man
Rainy day filled with baby cuddles
Favorite Mommy quotes
from social media:
November 28th:
“Thankful for so many things this
year and especially for my families- the one I was born into, the one I married
into, the friends who have become my family and then the truly amazing one that
Dan and I have made with Charlie... This year my heart really is full”
November 29th: “Happiness is waking up from a 2 hour nap to
find both my men also asleep- Dan on the couch & Charlie in his crib... We
are all quite exhausted over here!!! #sleepwhenthebabysleeps”
December 1st: “Off
to my first Mommy group... Hopefully they don't judge me by my comfy
sweatpants... Or the fact that my kid is still in his footie pj's! They are
just lucky I managed to shower.”
Outtakes from your
Monthly Photo Shoot:
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