Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas, Christmas.... Time is here!

We survived our first Christmas with a newborn! The morning was a bit of a blur and presents... And although Charlie will have no idea that we got him presents he was most definitely spoiled by both sets of Grandparents and Dan & I! Though I was also a bit spoiled... which for a new mom was pretty darn nice!!! 
Surrounded by some of his presents! Before he began his festival of spit up... I had givven up Dairy to see if he really was intolerant to it, but indulged in some cheese & crackers on Christmas Eve. And guess who really is intolerant to Dairy- my poor little man. This is going to be an interesting 4+ months to live without my Cheese... but look at the face- so worth it!
Instead of our usual hike before dinner we did a low key walk around the lake instead! I was proud of myself- longest walk since the C-Section... and you can guess what Charlie thought of it- he slept! As you can see there is a pattern forming. Put Charlie in the car, he sleeps. Put Charlie in the stroller, he sleeps. But Charlie in his crib, he screams...
My whole family!!! So much love in one picture.

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