Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Week 37 & 38

Oops life kind of got away with me and I forgot to post last week so this is the last 2 weeks combined… since I’ve been on maternity leave not much has changed anyways!

My Halloween Pumpkin- 37 Weeks!
Your Size: 8 Pounds… the average size of a new baby boy- and you have 1 week left to get bigger!!!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 1 week left! We set our inducement for Tuesday/Wednesday night at midnight so you will be here by Thursday the 13th no matter what!!!!
Maternity/ Baby clothes? A new heat spell came through so I’ve had to repack your clothes- I had packed all fall weather clothes and you would be a little sweat ball in those.
Nursery: Except for a few frames for the wall, your nursery is all set and ready for you.
Baby Gear: Packed and ready to go…
Sleep: It comes and goes!
This week’s adventure:  We have been enjoying my maternity leave with lots of yummy foods and naps! Grandma & Grandpa Eberhardt (plus Ruby!) are officially here for the next month so my mom and I have been out doing lots and lots of walking around trying to get you to come a little early. Here are a few photos of the various things we have been up to:

Pumpkin Patch for Halloween
Cutest little Baby Chickens
Your Daddy with his new car... just don't call it a Station Wagon!
Your Cuddle Buddy Ruby!

Miss anything? Being able to roll over in bed. I can’t wait till I can sleep on my back again
Movement:  So much movement all the time… but your favorite time to move is every night when your Daddy reads you a story. We can’t tell if it’s Harry Potter that you love or just love hearing your Dad do all the voices! We can’t wait till you get here and can really listen to all the stories.
Your favorite foods: Well after 9 months of watching everything that I eat and just gaining pound after pound I seriously gave up this last month- snacking on ice cream, and cheese, and cookies…. And somehow I have lost 3 pounds in the last month! Best diet ever. But hopefully you like Pumpkin a little more than your Mom does, because I took a really great pumpkin baking class.

Your Aunt Alissa and I baking.

Making Pumpkin Churros
Making Pumpkin Carrot Muffins
My Final Products!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really… but have had a sinus infection for the last 2 weeks that really has been making me miserable.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: 2 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced… which means that my body is ready for you to come! The only problem is that you are still so high up! Apparently I’m ready for you but you are not ready yet.
Symptoms: Just the labor ones.
Belly button in or out?  Still in, it’s a miracle!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on- though I seem to always forget to put them on these days.
Happy or moody most of the time: I’m getting more and more exhausted and grumpy every day!
Looking forward to: Tuesday night!!!! Can’t believe you will be here in under a week.
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: This one is advice from your Daddy: When things in life get really rough, you have to find something to smile about. I think this is something that has really helped your Dad and I through some rough times, no matter how bleak things seem you have to find something good in everything. If you can find a way to laugh through the rough times then you know you will be able to get through anything.
P.S. The Notre Dame Scoreboard is now 6-1… though these games are getting rougher and rougher on us- too much stress! Though I have packed into your hospital bag a ND onesie just in case you need it for Saturday.