Tuesday, November 11, 2014

39 Weeks...

Your Size: The doctor estimates 8 1/2 Pounds… we will know shortly! 
Your Due Date: November 12th ! And since we are being induced in just a few short hours your birth date will be either 11/12 or 11/13. 
Maternity/ Baby clothes? You got a couple more little warm weather outfits, though it’s going to be a little chillier this week. 
Nursery: Except for a few frames for the wall, your nursery is all set and ready for you. 
Baby Gear: Packed and ready to go…
Sleep: Not sleeping too well…lots of dreams about labor and babies! 
This week’s adventure:  LOTS & LOTS of walking!!! Your Grandma Eberhardt sure has been trying to walk you out of me… sadly it didn’t work!
 Walking with Grandma Eberhardt & Ruby

Your soon to be buddy Ruby!

Walking the Redondo Beach Pier
Ruby in her favorite position

One last massage!
Miss anything? Lots of things- sleep, my waist, being able to exercise… 
Movement:  You keep getting more and more active… though it’s like you know you will need your strength because you have slowed down a bit today. 
Your favorite foods: This month we have been eating so horribly! Can’t wait to get back to eating healthy next week.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really…

Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Up to 3cm dilated and 60-70% effaced…
Symptoms: Just the labor ones.
Belly button in or out?  Still in, it’s a miracle! 
Wedding rings on or off? Made it through the entire pregnancy with them on!
 Happy or moody most of the time: I’m getting more and more exhausted and grumpy every day!
Looking forward to: Tomorrow we get to finally meet you! I’m super excited… but also super nervous and antsy and pretty scared!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: Another one from your Daddy: Make sure you always strive to do the right thing.  There will always be people out there who will try and influence you, but you should always follow your heart and do what you know to be the right thing.
Your Daddy and Ruby watching the Notre Dame Game!
P.S. The Notre Dame Scoreboard is now 6-2 It sure was a rough game last week! Sadly it means that ND will not be going to the playoffs this year, but at the same time maybe this will mean that the games will get less stressful now that your Dad doesnt have to worry so much if they win or lose.


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