Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 28... and bonus week 27!

It’s been a rough 2 weeks on me so sadly I didn’t get to blog last week… and with my baby brain I can’t even distinguish between the 2 weeks so I’m going to have to put the 2 of them together.

Your Size: Eggplant! Though we found out at our doctor’s appointment that you are measuring at 30 weeks- so your size really is most like a large cucumber.
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 11 weeks left- and only 9 till we are considered full term!
Maternity/ Baby clothes? You have been shown so much love lately from family and friends!!!! Our baby clothes drawers are filling up so nicely, I can’t wait to put you in your little outfits…. Even if I know you will ruin most of them the first time we try and fit you into them! But the best part is your changing dresser will be delivered on Tuesday!!!!
Nursery: We are making progress on your Nursery… and your Grandpa came over last weekend to help your Daddy finish some of the furniture. Here is a sneak peak of your Gramps sanding the bookcase- it’s almost finished but don’t want to reveal it until it is all done.
Baby Gear: You have wheels! We ordered your stroller on Tuesday… it’s a really cool running stroller so that you and Daddy can go on nice long runs. I’m not much of a runner but I have a feeling even I will try use it with you to get back into shape.
Sleep: I’ve given up on having a good night sleep…. Also have moved to sleeping on the couch every night!
This week’s adventure:  We haven’t had too many adventures in the last 2 weeks, mainly because all of a sudden I’ve lost what little energy I had. But what we have done are a lot of projects for the nursery and the house. Your Grandparents came over to help with the projects so luckily we have some finished…. But so many more to do.
Grandma Eberhardt supervising!

Daddy working on your shelf

My project using Lullaby paints-  Baby and Pregnant Momma friendly painting.

Grandpa & Daddy working on sending my sewing table.

Ruby visiting us!!!!
We got our Glucose Test back and after drinking the yucky sugar water and getting my blood drawn we were happy to find out I tested negative for Gestational Diabetes… though since your weight is up a bit we are going to try and stick to the Gestational Diabetes diet and see if that can help to not put too much weight on you… as of now it’s really hard to stick to it but I’m going to really really try!
We also took our first Birthing Class… sadly we were a little too prepared for the class (I thought it would help if we had some idea of what was going on) so the first class was pretty much just an overview of what we have already read about and discussed. But next week we get to see 2 separate births so I have a feeling that one will show us lots of stuff we did not read about!
Miss anything? SLEEP!!!!!!!!
Movement:  Lots and lots of movement…. All the time! Some days you are up all night playing. Then other days you are up all day playing. I love feeling you roll around and exploring!
Your favorite foods: Trying to get off the cheese kick- apparently this is the hardest habit of mine to stop! But you really love Apples, as soon as I take a bite you start to kick at me.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Our new Iron Pills are making my tummy sick. I have had to up the iron since finding out I’m anemic, so far not adjusting to the pills- but it’s only day 3.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Nope… but I have been getting small little Braxton Hicks contractions! And on Monday I got one hell of an intense one!
Symptoms: Apparently sometimes when you are pregnant you can only be described as a little ball of fiery gas!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly way out!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and going strong
Happy or moody most of the time: A little of both but mostly really grumpy due to lack of sleep.
Looking forward to: Only one week till the shower- getting excited!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: When you love someone make sure you tell them often. This week an old friend of mine lost her husband, and although I have never met him it hit really close to home. So make sure that you appreciate the love around you and always tell them how much you love them because sadly they could be gone without warning. PS We love you VERY VERY much!!!!

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