Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Week 25...

Exhausted & 25 1/2 weeks pregnant!
Your Size: Cauliflower… and my belly is supposed to be the size of a soccer ball- which seems really accurate to me!
Your Due Date: November 12th… only 14 weeks left!
Maternity/ Baby clothes? This week I started my packing list for the hospital… I have 3 charts going- For Mommy, For Poppy & For Daddy. Apparently for a 2-3 day stay at the lovely hotel Cedars we are going to need a good amount of stuff- me especially! Though my favorite part of the stuff is being able to pack some cute little onesies and going home stuff for Poppy… OMG that means Poppy is going to be going home with us in no time at all- GASP!
Baby Gear: Oh my goodness your stuff has arrived finally!!! We got delivered your rocker, crib and crib mattress! Everything is really starting to come together for your nursery.
Your Dad put together your crib and it looks amazing…
Now all we need is our little boy to put into it.
Sleep: I’m starting to spend more and more nights on the couch sleeping sadly… luckily our couch is very comfortable!
This week’s adventure:  We took you to your first concert! During the summer Hermosa does concerts on the pier on Sunday nights. They are great because you can bring wine (though we aren’t able to do that this summer!) and food and have a picnic on the sand with friends and listen to music. We also had the cutest little baby boy with us this trip- he was born last November 12th, so it was pretty cool to see what you are going to look like a year from now.
Miss anything? I miss being able to look down and see things besides my belly… plus I miss being able to bend over and get things off the floor… and being able to get up from low chairs… basically I miss lots of stuff at the moment!

Movement:  You are so active! So much that even the doctor noticed it at our 25 week appointment. She kept trying to get your heartbeat but every time that she would find it after about a second you would swim away to a new position. You really seem to be having fun in my tummy!!!!
Your favorite foods: My appetite has gone way down this week… sadly things are starting to be less appealing again for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: This week has been another pretty good week… my tummy has been upset but I don’t think it has anything to do with you, except for maybe starting to get a bit stressed and overwhelmed by everything.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: Not yet but I got a little worried over the weekend, you got yourself into your birthing position with your head down so my belly dropped already. It’s not supposed to drop for another 10 weeks! But after a call to our Doula and our Doctor we were assured that everything is alright and some babies just drop really early.

Symptoms: Lots of big kicks!!!!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly way out!
Wedding rings on or off? On… for maybe another week or 2 only!
Happy or moody most of the time: I cry all the time still and am starting to get grumpy as I get more uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: On Thursday we get to go to Hilton Head and you get to spend some time with your Grandma Pelner and all of her side of the family! Lots of Aunties & Cousins to meet! It’s going to be raining off and on for the whole weekend, but that’s ok with me- rain means I can just take lots and lots of nappies!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: Try to make lemons out of lemonade. Although it sounds very Pollyanna,  and sometimes it seems really hard to find the positive but I truly believe that there is a silver lining with each cloud. You have been kicking and moving like crazy making your poor momma very uncomfortable and grouchy the last few weeks, but after having my miscarriage last year every little kick and punch that you do to my tummy is truly a gift!
Enjoying the new rocker... can't wait to rock my sweet boy to sleep!


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