Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Poppy's growing up so fast!

Look at how big Poppy is now! Our baby is finally starting to look like a tiny human... This weeks appointment (at 11 Weeks 7 Days) I really got to see how active Poppy is! Even though I'm not feeling anything yet, during the ultrasound Poppy was waving those little arms like crazy and was during flips and moving all around. Once again I got to see and hear the heartbeat, it was really cool seeing it this week because the heart really looks like an organ now pumping blood into my Poppy. Sadly Dan had to miss the appointment but luckily I got some pictures and even took a video of the ultrasound monitor. Poppy is still doing incredibly well and even measured 1 day big at 12 weeks- must be due to all the yummy food that Poppy's Mommy can't seem to stop eating! Next week we get to do the 1st Trimester screening and get to have another ultrasound, this time with the really fancy and super high def machine. The appointment is a little scary, its to do all the California tests to make sure there isn't any chromosome issues with Poppy- though I'm sure Poppy is going to do well on the testing, I mean look at that cute kid!!!

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