Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weeks 11 and 12...

Your Size: A passion Fruit- your Daddy's favorite fruit!
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? New ones.. more shopping! This time I went with you grandma and we outfitted ourselves for the entire summer!
Sleep: Since being on Hiatus we have been able to now have a morning nap and a late afternoon nap- It’s been glorious!
This week’s adventure: Great Doctors appointment and you were so cute and waving at me the entire time!
Miss anything? My energy
Movement: Although I’m not feeling anything yet I know you are moving in there like crazy. On Tuesday I got to see you doing flips and summersaults- you looked like you were having a great time!
Your favorite foods: Although we are sticking with carbs I’m slowly able to bring in some more healthy foods… and you really love Lemonade!
Anything making you queasy or sick: still super sick, hopefully during week 13 it should start to get a bit less!
Gender: You most definitely have to be a boy!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Still lots of them, and you seem to be right on my bladder poking it a lot because I’m pee’ing all the time now!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still very moody… I like to cry for no reason! Your poor dad.
Looking forward to: Another Utlrasound next week!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Sing! There is something to be said about just putting on music and having a good dance and a good sing to it. It really can solve all of life’s problems. This week we listening to some Bare Naked Ladies and danced and sang, it was great! Even Ruby got into the act and sang along with us.

Poppy's growing up so fast!

Look at how big Poppy is now! Our baby is finally starting to look like a tiny human... This weeks appointment (at 11 Weeks 7 Days) I really got to see how active Poppy is! Even though I'm not feeling anything yet, during the ultrasound Poppy was waving those little arms like crazy and was during flips and moving all around. Once again I got to see and hear the heartbeat, it was really cool seeing it this week because the heart really looks like an organ now pumping blood into my Poppy. Sadly Dan had to miss the appointment but luckily I got some pictures and even took a video of the ultrasound monitor. Poppy is still doing incredibly well and even measured 1 day big at 12 weeks- must be due to all the yummy food that Poppy's Mommy can't seem to stop eating! Next week we get to do the 1st Trimester screening and get to have another ultrasound, this time with the really fancy and super high def machine. The appointment is a little scary, its to do all the California tests to make sure there isn't any chromosome issues with Poppy- though I'm sure Poppy is going to do well on the testing, I mean look at that cute kid!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Old School "Cotija" Guacamole

When I was a kid there was the resturant that I swear I ate at one a week- Cotija. To this day it still, in my mind, is the best mexican place I've ever eaten at. And I still make a point to try and eat there everytime I'm in San Diego. Now they made a non-traditional guacamole- its secret ingedient was Sour Cream! Now I've altered the recipe a little bit, but here is a non-traditional and easy to make guac!
- 1 Avocado
- Greek Yogurt
- Pico de Gallo
- 1 Lime
- Hot/Jalepeno Sauce
- Wash & Cute Avocado in Half. Scoup out the avocado and place into a bowl. With a fork mask up the avocado until it's a creamy consistancy.
- Add 2 Tbls of Pico de Gallo and mix together with the avocado.
- Add 2 Tbls of Greek Yogurt and mix together with the avocado.
- Add a sqeeze of lime and a drop or 2 of hot sauce (more if you like it more spice). Mix everything together and serve!
If you are going to be serving this later in the evening make sure you cover it completely with plastic wrap because avocado goes brown easy. It also helps if you put the pit back in it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 10...

Oh my goodness already at 10 weeks! We have only 30 more to go... ok when I put it that way it seems like November will never get here!
Your Size: A prune… why couldn’t they come up with a prettier fruit/veggie!
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? I went on another shopping spree- but now have so many pretty summer dresses to make my bump look better!
Sleep: It seems that sleep is my best friend and 2 hour naps are the norm now!
This week’s adventure: We finally told your great-grams… she was very excited!
Miss anything? Wine… this week I really needed some booze.
Movement: not feeling anything yet
Your favorite foods: Basically we can only eat a few things- bread, cheese, ice cream! And people wonder why I think you are a boy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: anything that I can smell. Apparently this “Morning”/ALL DAY sickness is here to stay
Gender: Still guessing a boy. Your Daddy says that it’s like living with a teenage boy so we are guessing you are male.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Every pregnancy symptom in the book! Especially all the gross and really annoying ones.
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still very moody… and I get very hangry! 
Looking forward to: Last week of work! Now we can really focus on some pre-natal exercise and maybe tone up a bit of this flab I’ve developed!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: If you are a boy please remember to really cherish your wife (or girlfriend/baby-mama/surrogate) when she’s pregnant. It takes a lot of effort to grow a little one and your Daddy is the most amazing husband ever. Learn lots from him! Without him I don’t know how I would have been able to function these past 10 weeks… he loves me so!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Weeks 8 & 9...

Sorry Poppy, I got a bit lazy (and very pregnant) and somehow skipped last weeks update, but since there really hasn't been much new with me (or anything new at all really!) I'm just gonna lump the the two weeks together... Though I say nothing is new with me, you are doubling in size each week so you have tons of new stuff going on down there!
Your Size: Green Olive
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? I decided to pop some out… so much easier in maternity clothes!
Sleep: yes… and often! Luckily the new Morning sickness meds really knock me out and help!
This Week’s Adventure: We finally told your great-grams… she was very excited!
Miss anything? Lots of small things
Movement: none
Food cravings: Basically can only eat a few things- bread, cheese, ice cream!
Anything making you queasy or sick: anything that I can smell. Still having insane morning sickness all the time.
Gender: Still guessing a boy
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Every pregnancy symptom in the book!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Most definitely Moody, a lot of crying. 
Looking forward to: We are on a 1, 2, 3 here… 1 more week of work. 2 weeks til the next ultrasound. And 3 weeks until the end of the 1st trimester- YAY!
Advice to my Soon-To-Be-Baby: Find something that you love that you can do for the rest of our life. Work is called that for a reason, it’s not playtime but it should have an element of fun to it. It doesn’t matter how much or how little money you make in your job it’s really about how much you enjoy the time you spend doing it. I know it’s tempting to pick the career choice that’s going to give you the biggest paycheck but that could be the biggest mistake. Choose the one that will give you the most happiness, that’s the only way you will be able to do it day in and day out for the rest of your life.