Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 9

How far along? 8 Weeks
Your Size: A Green Olive
Your Due Date: June 3rd
Total weight gain: 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? This week I totally owned the Maternity Jeans, and they were so comfy!
Sleep: Besides a few naps at work, not sleeping too well. Apparently these pesky little things called Night Sweats exist… though I like to think of them more like Night Terrors!
Best moment this week: You got to meet a Lion and a baby Tiger this week… very exciting!
Worst Moment of the week: Not being able to tell many people about you… that and the complete and udder nausea 24-7.
Miss anything? Missing my energy like crazy
Movement: Although I know I can’t feel anything yet, when we said goodbye to Daddy at the airport you were giving me little pangs- I swear you were saying goodbye too!
Food cravings: Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything except fruit juice and bread seems to make me sick
Gender: No word yet… but now I’m starting to thinking maybe you are a girlie girl now that my cravings have switched to fruits
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out? In! Though my belly itself is seeming very out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this whole week
Looking forward to: You get to meet your Great Grams this weekend


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