Your Size: 7
pounds- the size of a real life baby at this point!
Your Due Date:
November 12th… only 3 weeks left.
Baby clothes? I broke down and bought you the cutest little preppy outfit for
your first Thanksgiving Dinner! Can't wait to see you in it!!!
Nursery: Still working on it but
only have a couple last minute things and then it will be all ready for you! And we also finished getting our bedroom ready to have you too... apparently you get 2 bedrooms in our house!
Your Changing Station in our room!
Baby Gear: Packed
and ready to go.
Sleep: It comes and goes!
week’s adventure: This week started my first week of Maternity Leave! Though I
have to say I’m pretty bored already- so hopefully you will come sooner rather
than later. So far we have spent a lot of time sleeping & walking- pretty
relaxing so far.
We packed our Nurses Thank You Basket this week!!!!
anything? Energy! I had such great energy for the
last 2 weeks and it has left me… we are averaging 2 naps a day now.
Movement: So
much movement all the time!
favorite foods: I’ve turned into my father- I have a chocolate chip cookie
with my coffee every morning.
making you queasy or sick: Everything seems to make me sick
Gender: Boy... very large boy!
signs: 1 cm dilated! Though I could go for weeks being 1 cm but I’m
taking it as a good sign that my body is getting ready
Symptoms: Just the labor ones.
button in or out? Still in, it’s a miracle!
rings on or off? Still on- though I seem to always forget to put them on
these days.
or moody most of the time: More happy!
forward to: Week 40! Your Daddy and I can’t wait to meet you, we are
getting so excited!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby: Know
that I am already sorry for all the emotional “distress” that I will cause you
as a child… I know I will be HORRIBLE. I’m going to dress you up & take a
million pictures. I will embarrass you millions of times over in grade school,
high school and I’m sure even college! But just know that everything I do is
because I love you…. Even if it’s giving you thousands of kisses before you
leave for school each morning!
P.S. The Notre Dame Scoreboard is now
5-1… it was a really rough game last weekend. Luckily they don’t play on
Saturday- I need a week off after the stress of last week’s game.