"No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting"
Today I got a case of the what if’s… you know the ones when
you think what if I didn’t walk through that door at that time, or if I didn’t
miss that cab, or in my case what if I was on a late shift that week and we
didn’t have sex and what if I wasn’t so obsessed with having a baby and didn’t
start charting in the 1st month, then most likely we wouldn’t have been pregnant and maybe now I’d be
finally pregnant with a healthy little baby…. It’s been awhile since I’ve had
the what ifs… but sometimes these things just sneak up on you. Mine were caused
this afternoon by a perfect little 7 day old pink and cuddly baby. I was yet
again getting another blood test at the doctor’s office- I swear at this point
I could be drawing the blood myself, and in the waiting room I was sitting next
to a new mom and her baby. I tried to be detached, but she started to breast
feed and that little baby made these cute little sucking noises and the tears
started in my eyes… it’s been at almost a month since I’ve had a little breakdown,
but it just snuck up on me today. Instead of being one of those cute and chubby
pregnant woman that were waiting in the office, I was there for a blood test 2
days before yet another ultrasound and a possible D&C to try and get my
hormone levels back to zero. I don’t know if it was the baby, or my hormones,
or this stupid cold I can’t shake or a case of nerves for having the procedure
on Thursday but I felt like I took a tumbling step back emotionally. And
rationally I know it’s only been a little over 2 months since the miscarriage,
and it’s normal to get a little emotional still but I’m getting sick of being
emotional. Sick of blood tests and what if’s… I’m ready to be back to normal,
back to my normal obsessive, slightly OCD, quite neurotic but for the most part
extremely happy self! But we all have those days, and those what ifs… luckily
mine will pass to like all the rest. And
I know that after all the sadness of this last year I am on the brink of
something amazing and wonderful… if only that amazing and wonderful part could
start soon. Please!
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