Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 9

How far along? 8 Weeks
Your Size: A Green Olive
Your Due Date: June 3rd
Total weight gain: 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? This week I totally owned the Maternity Jeans, and they were so comfy!
Sleep: Besides a few naps at work, not sleeping too well. Apparently these pesky little things called Night Sweats exist… though I like to think of them more like Night Terrors!
Best moment this week: You got to meet a Lion and a baby Tiger this week… very exciting!
Worst Moment of the week: Not being able to tell many people about you… that and the complete and udder nausea 24-7.
Miss anything? Missing my energy like crazy
Movement: Although I know I can’t feel anything yet, when we said goodbye to Daddy at the airport you were giving me little pangs- I swear you were saying goodbye too!
Food cravings: Fresh Squeezed Fruit Juice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything except fruit juice and bread seems to make me sick
Gender: No word yet… but now I’m starting to thinking maybe you are a girlie girl now that my cravings have switched to fruits
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out? In! Though my belly itself is seeming very out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this whole week
Looking forward to: You get to meet your Great Grams this weekend


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My first pair of elastic wasitband Jeans...

My package of clothes from Gap Maternity arrived last night… like a little child I tore into it and tried on all my new goodies. Since I’m only 8 weeks along I’m not starting to show yet but 2 months of gaining water weight , fat from having to eat every few hours or get sick and not having any energy to stay up past 7PM let along go for a run or an yoga class has sadly made all my clothes a little tight and a tad uncomfortable… It was nice to have some clothes that finally had plenty of room for me to grow into them (why yes Mr. Small I do enjoy you being too big for me once again!)… besides a couple of super cute work dresses (already wearing one today, because why not it’s adorable!), a ton of my staples of Gap Tanks (made a bit longer and wider for the pregnant casual momma), I had also ordered a pair of jeans with a little belly band on them. My first pair of elastic waist pants… and I’m not gonna lie, they are amazing! Why don’t they make every pair of pants with little belly bands on them. They stretch with your belly (whose jeans aren’t a little tight by the end of the day) and felt more like leggings then jeans. I’m sure when I’m 8 months along I will find them tight and horrible but for now they are a little big with plenty of room for my belly to grow comfortably… no more unbuttoning that top button at work! After a month of feeling bloated and very unattractive all it took was some too big in the tummy dresses and some elastic waistband pants to put the spring back in my step! And tonight maybe I will even get to try out one of my new workout tops, that is if I finally have some of the energy back that I’ve been missing these last 2 months!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 8

How far along? 7 Weeks
Your Size: A Raspberry! Measuring only 6 weeks this week though, you’re a tiny Bug so far- only .60 CM.
Your Due Date: June 3rd… though the doctor thinks that may be pushed back a week.
Total weight gain: 4 pounds.
 Maternity clothes? More online shopping since I only have 1 more pair of jeans that fit! Thank You Gap for cute and cheap preggo clothes!
Sleep: Sleepy all the time during the day, but the dreams at night are getting weirder and weirder. Maybe you are going to be a creative little Bug!
Best moment this week: Seeing your strong little heartbeat.
Worst Moment of the week: Being scared that we wouldn’t see anything at the ultra sound.
Miss anything? My energy to go for a run
Movement: Still haven’t felt you yet!
Food cravings: Lemonade
Anything making you queasy or sick: yes, I seem to have afternoon sickness! But carbs and fries make life a little better!
Gender: No word yet… still not craving any sweets, so still guessing you will be a boy
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Crazy sore and itchy boobs, afternoon nausea, and a very sleepy lady!
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On. Except for the day this week I forgot to put mine on, and felt uber naked!
Happy or moody most of the time: More moody than happy this week
Looking forward to: Finally seeing a real baby bump!


Week 7

How far along? 6 Weeks
Your Size: The size of a Blueberry
Your Due Date: June 3rd, 2013
Total weight gain: 4 pounds
Maternity clothes? Sadly already purchased a few, and wore my first maternity sweater over the weekend!
Sleep: Sleepy all the time during the day, but at night having the weirdest dreams ever!
Best moment this week: Your first trip to Grandmas house in New Jersey… plus your first Birthday Party and first wedding. You had a busy little week!
Worst Moment of the week: Squeezing myself into too tight spanx 2 nights in a row! Not gonna lie there may have been some tears involved.
Miss anything? Over the weekend, wine!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Cheese & Meat!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Haven’t been too sick yet, no vomiting and only mild Nausea.
Gender: Don’t know, but based on cravings I’m assuming you are a boy!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Exhausted all the time!!!! Cravings & Hungry all the time! Getting full really quick, and then feeling sick when I am full, bloating, gas, belching like crazy! Your father says it’s like being married to a teenage boy now L
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I’m gonna go with Moody this week
Looking forward to: Hopefully seeing you next Thursday!!!!


Mommy & Daddy... GULP!

9 months ago I got to marry the man of my dreams… and now in a little over 7 months we get to meet our little one! It’s been a really emotional first month here. First there was the initial excitement with finding out that we are having a baby after only 2 months of trying… and then came the worry when we found out my Beta levels weren’t rising enough. Then complete panic when we found out that on top of that my progesterone was dropping. After hearing the scary M word, we did a lot of crying and praying. And now we finally have heard a heartbeat! And although the worry hasn’t left (and probably won’t for the next 18 years!) we can finally breathe a sigh of relief and start to dream about this little one. Welcome on this journey the next 7 months as we find out what it’s like to go from Newlyweds to Mommy & Daddy.


 PS We can’t wait to meet you little Bug!!!!