Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 15...

Your Size: A Navel Orange.
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? I have found the wonder that is Momma Spanx! They slim me everywhere but my ever growing belly!
Sleep: No… The answer is a big no. Sadly I have started to have pains on both of my sides while sleeping so it’s becoming harder and harder to get a good night sleep.
This week’s adventure: You had a really big week! You went to your first wedding- and started kicking and dancing with me on the dance floor… you went to a vineyard to go wine tasting, don’t worry Daddy did the tastings for both of us and I only got a couple sips.
And then you also got to go to the Wild Animal Park in San Diego and see the baby gorillas, the tigers and we got to feed to Lorikeets- they are these really colorful and very friendly birds!
Miss anything? Being able to buy cute little bikinis, we go to Hawaii this week and sadly I only have maternity suits which are really not flattering or very pretty!
Movement: Not too much this week.
Your favorite foods: Nothing really special this week, you still really love cheese though!
Anything making you queasy or sick: We did get sick over the weekend while in Temecula, but so far you have been feeling much better!
Gender: A BOY!!!!!!!! Well really we found out a couple weeks ago that you most likely were a boy but we kept it to ourselves until we knew for sure… now we do! And boy have I been shopping- you are going to be one dapper little dude.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: It seems that you are still sitting on my bladder, so having to pee every 20 min or so seems to be the worst symptom this week.
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty moody.
Looking forward to: Hawaii tomorrow!!! Your first flight and first time snorkeling.
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  As the saying goes- You can catch more flies with honey… Try to always remember how far a little kindness goes. Sometimes it’s easy to get frustrated and snap at the grocery store clerks, or the foreign costumer service rep or even your partner. But it pays to sometimes just take a breath and start over with kindness.

It's a....

I got to surprise Dan this week with the gender of a baby... hiden inside the cupcakes:
And that is a picture of one happy Daddy!!!!
And one of our very cute & adorable SON taken this morning at 15 weeks + 6 days
 Awe... look at those adorable fingers, he's apparently found out how to suck his little thumb!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 14...

Your Size: An Apple… though truthfully I feel that an apple is the same size as last weeks peach!
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? I have finally found 2 maternity bathing suits for Hawaii… let me tell you shopping for a bathing suit while pregnant truly is humiliating!
Sleep: Having a hard time sleeping at night… you have finally stopped tap taping on me in the middle of the night but can’t seem to get comfortable at all.
This week’s adventure: We did a lot of walking on the beach this week… nothing too exciting but spent a lot of time just you and I- it was nice.
Miss anything? More than anything in the world I miss being able to run errands- instead of being able to just go from shop to shop I have to go restroom, shop, restroom, shop, restroom again… oh this platter!
Movement: Only a couple of little taps this week, nothing to major.
Your favorite foods: Grilled Corn on the cob and veggie chicken patties!
Anything making you queasy or sick: This week has been a bit better, only one vomiting day, YAY!
Gender: We will finally know for sure on Tuesday!!!!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: It seems that you are sitting on my bladder, so having to pee every 20 min or so seems to be the worst symptom this week.
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty moody.
Looking forward to: Vacation-Paloza! We have a wedding this weekend in Temecula and then Hawaii next week.
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Exercise and enjoy the outdoors! It’s so easy to get lazy and just read or lounge on the couch but nothing can pick you up like a good run on the beach or an amazing yoga class. No matter what you sport or favorite activity will be just make sure that you don’t lose sight of how much you love it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 13...

Your Size: A Peach, one of my favorite fruits!
Your Due Date: November 12th
Maternity clothes? They are amazing.
Sleep: Oddly getting more exhausted this trimester. I keep thinking that if I managed to sleep past 6A maybe I will be able to stay up past 8:30P… but seeing as I take 1-2 naps a day I don’t think what time I wake up really matter. At the end of the day I’m just plain exhausted from growing a tiny human in me.
This week’s adventure: Your first trip to the Spa! We went to the Four Seasons Spa up in Westlake for a maternity massage and a day of relaxation… It was simply amazing. We also got to celebrate my first Mothers Day with your Grandma & Grandpa. It was great and got me even more excited for you!
Miss anything? My ability to resist food!
Movement: You don’t seem to like it when I roll up on my side at night, you always give me just a tiny tiny kick back when I do that!
Your favorite foods: Luckily I’m able to eat more and more foods, but sadly you still seem to really like cheese and bread.
Anything making you queasy or sick: We’ve had a really crazy heat spell right now so the heat seems to make me the sickest.
Gender: We will know for sure in a week and a half, but we still are pretty sure you will be a little boy.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Still lots of them, and you seem to be right on my bladder poking it a lot because I’m peeing all the time now! Trying to beat the heat at the movies has been hard since I have to skip off to the restroom halfway through the movies!
Belly button in or out?  Button in, but belly out!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: I started crying early this am in frustration with some chores I was doing, so I’m gonna say yup still moody.
Looking forward to: Hawaii in just under 2 weeks! Your first real vacation!
Advice to my soon-to-be baby:  Never forget just how important your friends are. When you are little they are the people you can play trains and trucks with, in high school they are the ones who help you get through those rough teen years, in college they help you make a home away from home and after college they really and truly become your family. There is the family you are born with and then there will be the equally important family that you choose!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Our family will be growing by 2 feet...

Because I just couldn't resist posting our announcement because look how cute that is! We took the picture ourselves and those happen to be our wedding "shoes". So exited that we are finally able to tell people... the announcements are in the mail and I'm going to make the big announcement on facebook on Mother's day- just 2 days away!
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2nd Trimester here we come!!!!

Poppy is now officially 13 weeks old today which means we have finally ended that horrible Trimester 1! Shockingly all the myths I have heard about feeling much better almost exactly on the 1st day of your 2nd Trimester is actually seeming to be real... I have been feeling a lot better. Oddly I am more exhausted, which makes it harder to get stuff done but am no longer crazy with morning sickness. I also am starting to finally feel more like myself and am getting my creativity back- which can only mean one thing it's finally craft time again!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Scary Doctors Appointments... but all good news!

12 Weeks + 6 Days
Today we went to the scary doctor. It was the doctor we went to for the 2nd opinion when I had my miscarriage so you can imagine what it was like to go back to their for testing on this pregnancy. Now this testing is just normal end of the first trimester screening. They do a blood test to test for abnormalities (plus we will get to know in 3 weeks the gender from it!) and then they do an in depth ultrasound to check for a bunch of other things that may be signs of chromosome abnormalities like the measurement of fluid that accumulates under the babies next. Luckily Poppy passed all the test with flying colors. The doctor said that Poppy looked great and that everything was exactly like it should be. They also check for things going on with me to see how my body is doing with the pregnancy- and except for my a little too much weight gain everything is amazing! Dan was able to come with me this time and he was amazed that he got to see the brain... we also got to see Poppy being a little occupied with his thumbs, he was sucking them the entire time!